Monday, October 29, 2012

Act II.

the project of Act II,scene IV.
As far as I concerned, just for this act, women and man have different views about love. Orsino alwasys think that he loves Olivia and gives her whatever she wants, such as jewels even lands he has, but never came to her and said anything to help Olivia get rid of the pain of his brother. Besides, he prefers  the dramatically love instead of the simple life that normal people own, having a land and working for days. May Olivia has different idea about love and life.
His assistant Viola has find the flaw of Orsino. In her mind, doing more is much useful than talking a lot.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

the charactristic of Viola

   From the Act I, scene II, we can see the woman whose name is Viola likes gold, power and some other material instead of the pure love. She meets the strom in the sea and thinks his brother is died. However, I do not find if she feel a little sad or some other emoion about her brother.  She talks with the captain on the beach and heard the name of Orsino. She must be born in a noble family because she heard Orisino, who is the a noble duke. However, she pretends she is a man and serves for Orisino. As she thought before, she loved the duke Orisino but Orisino does like the woman but no her.It is so fantastic that she can play as a man so well even the woman who was called Olivia fall in love with her. Viola wants to get married with Orisino but Orisino is exactly love Olivia who loves her. There is a triangle connect the 3 characters until her twin brother appears. At last, as expected, Orisino is willing to marry her.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Can absurdity or humor also deliver truth and genuine meaning?

As for me, I think that sometimes absurdity or humor can tell us truth from history or present life. For example, the presetation is a preformance which students and students exchange the indntities ans tell us sometimes we should think questions form others side.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Twelfth Night

I just read the book Twelfth Night's introduction and found something interesting." Now viola in manly clothing, inspired anything but loathing.Imagine, then, her inward stir. To have the lady fall for her"
some women even fall for a lady whose does exactly a women. Isn't it funny?
Viola, the beautiful women who was disguised as a man, may think some ladies are annoying and troublesome. If she could, she must tell every female that she is just a lady, a appealing lady insted of a handsome man.