Thursday, December 6, 2012

When Othello's reget meets Linkin park' shouting

when I relize othelle killes his lovely wife Desdemona, I recall the song whose name is What I Have Done, sung by Linkin park. What I have done, forgiving what I' ve done. If he could, I think Othelle would apologize to Desdemona for his distrust, which drives him to be crazy and kills her.
  What I have done, othello, you, killed your wife using your bloody hands. She is innocent, you, will not get her pardon never, she died. 
  Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees. Their medicinal gum. 
  What I have done, Othello asks himself, his mistrustful attitude to his wife destroy his life and cause the tragedy.
Of one that loved not wisely but too well; 
Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought 
What I have done, forgive yourself,So let mercy come, And wash away… 
What I’ve Done, I’ll face myself, and follow your wife's path, he suicides after he realizes the reality.
  So let mercy come, And wash away… 
  What I’ve Done, I’ll face myself, 

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